Hooray James! After a packed semester which included buying a house and moving into it, working full time, filling a tough church calling, and being the greatest husband to a pregnant wife and father to an on-the-go toddler - you know, in addition to the two classes he was taking - James finished with A's! I am so proud. If you weren't aware, James isn't too keen on school (unlike me) and so simply passing a class and getting one step closer to graduation is reason enough to celebrate. Straight A's is just icing on the cake. He has worked so hard for this and I know he would have rather spent his time on his music (or anything else for that matter) but he buckled down and finished strong. Hooray for James, and here's to a wide-open summer - you know, except for work and that family that just keeps tying you down!
Oh yes, and again explaining my title references:
It's from Flight of the Chonchords,"the almost award-winning fourth-most-popular folk duo in New Zealand." Jermaine refers to the three women he's dated as "triple figures" so I figured that since James got 2 A's, that would be double digits. Am I right?
8 years ago