...A Video of Zoe saying "dog."
So here is my latest blog gimmick - 12 posts from now until Christmas! I'm going to try my darnedest, but I give no guarantees. I reserve the right to flake on this idea at any time.
Zoe got a "Pajama Gram" from her aunt Linda and it included some adorable Christmas PJs and a fluffy little dog. It was exciting to me because besides Tigger and a bunny, all of Zoe's stuffed animals are bears. And until recently every animal she saw was a "bear" and they all said "moo." Seriously? How does she come up with this stuff? Lately she has added "doggy" to her verbal repertoire and even makes the most adorable "woof woof" sound. Thanks Linda for thinking of us!

Oh, and don't you love my pile of laundry on the floor and my half-decorated tree? The upper half has decorations on it, but for some strange reason we can't keep the lower decorations on. They keep falling off. Or relocating to Zoe's room. We just can't figure it out.
i LOVE her woof woof!
I love your blog idea...I'm seriously considering stealing it (really just borrowing it). Zoe is talking! I can't believe that she is growing up! We miss her around here.
I pretty sure that the bottom of Christmas trees aren't supposed to be decorated any more. We have the undecoration fairy visit us frequently as well. Glad to fill you in on the new Christmas fairy. Zoe is so cute I'm excited for the coming posts.
Thank you, Thank you, Thank you. I love being able to see AND hear Zoe. I miss you all! I can hardly wait to see Zoe. I have not seen her since last April! She is so adorable. She is so beautiful. She is growing too, too fast.
Love Grandma Cathy
Zoe's pjs are adorable. I am excited to see all 12 blogs by christmas!!
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