11:00. That's right, folks, we now meet two hours later. Which means that I don't need an alarm clock (other than Zoe) to wake me up. Most importantly, I don't have to make important decisions like: shower or eat breakfast? Do my hair or get Zoe ready? Poor James still has to get up really early because they moved all the meeting he needs to attend (PEC, Ward Council, and Ward Welfare) to before church. Technically I should be going to Ward Welfare also, but he is the only one who can attend for the Ward Mission, and there are three other sisters able to attend for the Relief Society Presidency. So I'm off the hook for now.
The only drawbacks are we are done so much later in the day and the new schedule is going to be a bit rough on Zoe. Lately her napping schedule has been erratic at best, and nap time can start at anytime between 11:30 and 2:00. Then we have to adjust lunchtime accordingly. So her most unpredictable and, often grumpiest, time of the day is right when we're asking her to sit on a pew for an hour. Yesterday was the first time we had to take her out of Sacrament Meeting in a very long time. She is usually an angel and very willing to be distracted by whatever toys and snacks we bring for her. Yesterday she was just too tired. But there is a light at the end of the tunnel. Which brings me to.....

NURSERY! Nursery, nursery, nursery, nursery, nursery! Is there any word that has ever sounded so sweet to my ears? Nursery! Just saying it brings a smile to my face and quickens my step. We took her into the room and she made a beeline to the toy chest, took one out, sat on the floor with it and played contentedly. We stood there thinking, "Is this it? Shouldn't we have to sign some sort of release form?" The teacher came in, asked us which Sunday School class we attended and said we were good. We left and Zoe didn't even notice.

I love that she had such a great first day. I just can't help wondering what goes through her little head when we leave her in a room of unfamiliar toys and faces. And how does she act when she is away from us? Shy and quiet or demanding and aggressive? Since she was the youngest, and smallest, I'm guessing she is pretty quiet, taking everything in. We just can't believe how fast she is growing up. And how much we thoroughly enjoy each new stage.
Here is the product of her first day. Don't worry I won't post EVERY scribble she ever brings home, but I know the grandmas will eat this up.

Love this post! Yes, it is so exciting to see them go into nursery. Revel in it while you can, because eventually you will have another one and then you have to START OVER.
Yeah for nursery!!!! I'm so glad she had a great time...and that YOU were able to breathe again! (it'll be that way when she goes to pre-school too, but maybe a little more sad).
Congratulations on reaching the nursery-age of parent-hood, it's a beautiful thing :)
Hip Hip Hooray!
I'm so proud of Zoe. She did so good on her first day in nursery. Is she like James or Desta? James was always quiet (of course he still is)in a crowd of other children, except for his best friend Holly Miller. He and Holly were practically inseperable for the first couple of years of his life. She was 6 months older, and she grew to be 6 inches taller too. It seems weird to me that they don't remember each other. Her parents still live in Grass Valley in the same house that we used to always go visit. That is her mother is in the same house. Holly's parent's got divorced. They were my and my ex-husbands closest friends for several years. Funny how things change.
I am so glad that Zoe is such a big girl. James never cried when I left him in the nursery at church either. I think it was because I was the perfect mother (lol). You can tell by how well adjusted James is now!!
Love Grandma Cathy
Hooray! Zoe's in nursery! Don't worry, that excitement takes a LONG TIME to die. Next week you will be almost just as excited. It's amazing! Not only that...she gets quality time playing with great kids. It's the best for both of you! You get to focus on your lessons, she gets to have fun!
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