Thursday, August 28, 2008

It Never Ends...

No, I'm not talking about this pregnancy (yet - stay tuned) but about Zoe. This girl can TALK. She is never quiet when we are home. She keeps herself entertained all day long, sometimes without ever taking a toy out of her closet. And all the while she is narrating. She also loves to read and she has quite a few books memorized. These videos are LONG because, like I said, she just doesn't stop. She's also started singing a lot and will throw in a few random stanzas here and there. What a Nuggle. I sure love being able to hang out with such a cool kid all day long.


Erin said...

Can you understand 100% of what she says? My kids watched all three with interest. At one point Aidan asked, "What is she talking about?" I knew it was Mommy's pillow, and I heard Tigger. I probably understood 50% of what she said. Every bit of it was cute.

Leslie said...

My favorite part was in the second one: "Wanna be a monkey on the bed!" She is so stinking cute. Um, by the way, are you going to the gno tonight?