Friday, August 1, 2008

We're On Fire!

Well, the canyon just south of us is, anyway. As I was getting dinner ready James called to tell me that his bus was running late and asked me if I had seen the smoke. I casually glanced out the kitchen window and saw the thickest wall of smoke rolling off the mountains. Here is the news story. Make sure and check out the other pictures on James submitted a couple of ours as well. It wasn't so bad until the wind shifted and now our neighborhood smells like a camp fire. Hopefully it gets contained soon and doesn't hit the main canyon. Good thing we aren't camping this week!

UPDATE: The wind is really blowing like crazy out there. They have evacuated our canyon. It really is a good thing we did not decide to go camping this week. That little hill sticking up over the houses in this first picture is completely charred now. So much for our beautiful view of the mountains.


Amy said...

ugh, thats freaky. Hope it gets contained so you don't have to evacuate or anything like all the Californians out here!

Erin said...

Seriously, good luck. A few years ago the hill/mountain just behind my parents' house got burned to a crisp. That was a few scary hours! I hope the air you are breathing is okay.