So the second we walked across the field with the music of LCD Soundsystem blaring in my ears, I immediately remembered why I love live music SO much. The show was great. There is just something about having music at a "decent" volume level that is just amazing. It was awesome just to stand there and listen and feel as the bass literally vibrated my clothing. It felt like I had another heartbeat. And then the beat is so amazing, after nearly 3 hours on my feet it was down right painful NOT to move to it. My muscles would tighten with every beat. Plus I could sing at the top of my lungs and not even hear myself or have to worry about anyone hearing me either. It was seriously amazing. Not a bad "seat" in the house, either, being that it was in an ampitheather. Which reminds me that Utah is realy cold in the early Fall, especially at night...
LCD Soundsystem was really great. It's what I imagine a rave would be like if the music were live - in a good way. Kind of one of those "you had to be there" bands that defy explanation. Incredible bass lines though.

The Arcade Fire is astonishing live. There are like 10 people in the band, all playing everything from french horns to the organ to a motorcycle helmet. Seriously. Sometimes these guys were just running around with drumsticks banging on everything. Oh and they have megaphones too. You can kind of see the organ pipes in the picture above, along with the neon bible projected on a red curtain on stage. The stuff off of Neon Bible (their newest album) was good but all the songs from Funeral were the best. I was just wishing they had played my favorite song, "Neighborhood #4 (7 Kettles)." But we got our money's worth and then some so I'd say we are happy.
Thinking about being at this concert also brought back every good memory I've ever had from a concert, even the ones I am slightly embarrassed that I attended (bear with me as I indulge myself).
- My first concert ever- Matchbox 20 - My parents just dropped me and my friends off and we got to fend for ourselves, and Everclear was opening for them and I was really into them at the time. It was then that I realized how loud music should really be and why concerts are better than cds.
- Rod Stewart - I took my dad for father's day and that old guy can put on a killer show (Rod, not my dad, although...)
- Lynard Skynard - My brother took me for my birthday after I had just had my wisdom teeth out. He bought me a stuffed eagle and when I went home I ate an entire quart of sherbet because I couldn't take my pain pills for my teeth since I had to drive and I was hurting!
- Kiltergrey, Pity for Pete, and various other bands in the Rexburg area summer of 2001 - I started to learn that local bands can be awesome (even in Rexburg) and I learned that I liked music that wasn't played on the radio more than anything I'd ever heard.
- Lenny Kravitz - I'm not even a fan but a friend was visiting from AZ and wanted to do something, so we went. And we got airbrush tattoos.
- Counting Crows - I've never had more fun standing in line for a free concert for a band that I was apathetic about, but it was great. Plus the chick that opened for them was a nut job and tried to tell the audience to be quiet for her "quiet song."
- Lifehouse - I went under the influence of friends but it ended up being alright because I got to punch a really annoying girl... in the butt. Long story...
- The Shins - My first concert with James. We saw the band on the street as we were driving to the show. They made fun of James' car and were disappointed that we couldn't point them in the direction of a decent bar.
- Grandaddy - because all the lame emo jerks that were there for Saves the Day left when Grandaddy started playing and we had the place nearly to ourselves. And I totally showed up cousin Jessie when I downed a whole Beto's burrito afterwards. He was awestruck, albeit tipsy.
- Wilco - enough said. They're just amazing. Plus it was the first concert James and I went to after being married and they played the song we danced to at our wedding and James danced with me at the concert.
- U2 - The last concert of our pre-parenting days. If only stupid Kanye West hadn't opened. What a waste. It could have been The Killers or Arcade Fire, but Noooooooo. And thus we have come full circle
- The Arcade Fire - I got to feel like an adult enjoying my own interests for a few hours. Between Zoe, Garth, and James being back in school, I have been feeling like a mom most of the time, which is fine, but I needed a break. And oh what a break I got.

Ok, I guess that is enough ranting for now. Don't worry, I'll post a bunch of pictures of Zoe soon to make up for her absence from this post.
Great stories. My first concert (and most embarrassing to admit): Paula Abdul. Although, I got my first kiss that night. My favorite: U2, although like you, they had a stupid group open for them - Rage Against the Machine. Too many F words!
Hmm...feeling a little out of the loop here. I've been to a couple Peter Brienholt concerts and that's it. Really, that all. You guys definitely have me beat in the concert arena. Glad to hear you loved it so much though. I could tell it was nothing but fun for you.
Desta, you sound like a fun mom/wife! It looks like you had a great time. And, you definitely have me beat in the concert area...maybe you saw the "you tube" Rascall Flatts post, but that was only my 4th concert of my life ( I think) and my list is NOT impressive: Tiffany (what?), Billy Joel, Nickle Back (why? ticket) and Rascall Flatts (loved). Anyway, you've seen some cool stuff! how fun.
I saw that Marie "introduced" me, kind of, and I'm not a stalker either...just love to keep up with old friends...and meet new ones, I like to see your adorable family on your blog!
I'm sure James has filled you in on a few stories about "crazy Kelly" . anyway, it's fun to keep in touch!
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