Thursday, March 5, 2009

"I'm just trying to PARK!"

Pictures coming tomorrow, I promise. But something just happened to me in the parking lot at Smith's that is SOOOO psychotic I just have to share it with all of you.

I was missing one ingredient for dinner so I had to load both kids up for a quick trip. The parking lot was packed but I found a spot near the front and, more importantly, near the shopping carts. As I was pulling into the spot, the woman in the space straight ahead decided she was going to pull through MY space to leave. I was half-way into the space when she started driving toward me. I thought she had made a mistake so I gave her a smile and waited for her to pull out the other direction.

She didn't.

Instead, she glared at me like I was in the wrong. After about a minute of me gesturing that I was trying to park and her giving me the stink eye, she pulled closer to my car and put her car in park. At this point I'm nearly shouting "I'm just trying to park!" from inside my car. Then, with her car half in the spot I'm trying to park in and half in the spot she used to be parked in, she gets out. I thought she was going to come and talk to me, maybe tell me that her car wouldn't reverse. But no, she just strolls toward the store as if she was going inside, even though I knew she was leaving. So I roll down my window and say, "Um, excuse me, I'm trying to park here." She gestures around the lot and retorts, "There are lots of spaces around." Which:
1) there were not, and
2) shouldn't matter anyway because she was leaving.

Finally I've had enough, so I turned the car around and headed for another spot. As I start to move she hops back in her car and as soon as I am no longer an obstacle, proceeds to leave the parking lot. I circled the row and parked in her original spot.

Another woman nearby saw the whole thing and told me that it was ridiculous. She had seen the woman in the store and also knew that she was leaving, so it wasn't just a battle over a prime parking spot.

So, crazy British lady who locked horns with me in a Smith's parking lot, if you're out there - What the heck, lady? And thank you for making my evening even harder than it already was.


Erin said...

That was out of control rude. Some people have no couth.

I'm on my way to watch Survivor right now. We'll e-mail tomorrow. Hopefully this episode makes you forget the CRAZY LADY!!!

Nathan and Annie Miller said...

What a complete jerk! Really, why? You should have started some sob story, and let her see, and then see how big of a retard she would have felt then!

Leslie said...

You should have run after her and punched her in the face.

Wait, did I just say that? Sorry, but I feel MAD after reading that!

Maybe it wouldn't have been a good idea to punch her in the face. You should have gotten out and keyed her car. That's what you should have done.

Look at me--I'm feisty tonight.

Walnut said...

i agree with Erin's comment. some people just don't have any couchs. she was probably mad about sitting on the floor all day

Kayla said...

Oh my gosh! Pathetic! That makes me so mad for you. What a nut case.

Jennifer (Fern) said...

Being the passive aggressive that I am, I probably would've just sat in the parking spot until she came back... just to spite her. Of course we could've stayed there all night...

Why in the world are some people determined to try to ruin other people's day? I'd much rather be lifting up someone's spirits that try to make everyone miserable. That lady must be a pretty miserable person. Don't be mad, just pity her.

Marie said...

I bet she doesn't know how to drive in reverse and had been waiting forever for the car in front of her to leave so she could get out. Poor lady, just needs some driving lessons.

Have you seen Fried Green Tomotoes? I thought it was going to be a story like that.

I am impressed you kept your cool and didn't ram her from behind. :)

michelle said...

I so so love your posts. All the things I am thinking on a regular basis!