Monday, January 26, 2009

That's Odd....

Zoe is an odd kid. Maybe I should call her "unique" or "independent" or "quirky" or something slightly more PC or whatever, but the truth is she's just odd. There's no getting around it. How do I express in words how truly odd she is? I don't know, but I'll try. And maybe I'll throw in some pictures too.

Zoe LOVES to play by herself. Sometimes she tells me (or James) to go in the other room if we try and play with her. Seriously.

About one minute ago she came upstairs, went in the bathroom, grabbed our squirt bottle and said (mostly to herself), "Squirt bottle's going to go play with those jingle bells." Then she headed back downstairs. She is meticulous in using the words the, those, that, and these in front of her objects. "Let's go watch that robot movie," "Want the swimmings." Please don't ask what a swimming is. I don't think there is any way to explain.

She is absolutely OBSESSED with the movie Wall-e. It is the only full-length film she will watch. We attempted Kung-fu Panda a few days ago and she wouldn't even come downstairs. When she did, she stayed in the kitchen until we turned it off. We watch Wall-e every day while Owen takes his am nap. The rest of the day she runs around the house shouting "Wall-e," "Evah," and mumbling things about the Axiom, spaceships, and robots.

Zoe is still enthralled by her large collection of plastic bugs, snakes, frogs, and dinosaurs. She will pick out a couple of favorites every few days and they become inseparable. She calls them her "friends" and carries them around everywhere. If I ask her or tell her anything she echoes it to her toys - "Do you want a sandwich Zoe?" "Do you want a sandwich snake?" It's incredibly endearing yet absolutely annoying to me as she never actually answers my questions. Is it healthy for a 2 and a half year old girl to sleep with praying mantises? I guess we'll find out.

Zoe has absolutely NO social skills. Her first reaction to other people is to be slightly scared and then to ignore them completely. One day I picked her up from nursery and the teachers were so excited because she actually spoke. Meanwhile at home she talks non-stop. To herself or her toys, mostly, but nonstop nonetheless.

Zoe shows no interest in potty training. She could walk around in a poopy diaper all day and not care. Recently I've been trying to encourage her and while she is intrigued by the concept of underwear, she flips out if I try and get her to sit on the toilet. Almost as much as she continues to flip out over the vacuum.

The list goes on. She loves to jump and sing. She has several Dr. Seuss books memorized. She wouldn't drink juice to save her life. Every day she comes up with new ways to be weird. But every day I find new reasons to love her.


Erin said...

I love the picture of the shirt and diaper. Classic! And my kids are obsessed with Wall-E too. Their favorite character is M-O. For a long time Ethan confused me by saying "forjin contininent." I finally figured out he meant "foreign contaminent." I guess I should watch the movies they watch every once in a while.

Leslie said...

Zoe is my kind of kid. Low maintenance, so long as you don't throw off her groove (like trying to potty train). She is so smart and creative. If I weren't afraid of scaring her to death and causing a semi-stranger-induced tantrum, I would just grab her up in my arms and hug her for about 5 minutes. Something about her just makes me want to do that. Maybe I'm the odd one.

Kayla said...

She's getting so grown up! I loved hearing about all the things she's doing. She is entertaining!

Melinda Ford said...

Desta, this totally made me laugh! I think kids are naturally weird and funny, but Zoe takes the cake!!! She could teach my kids a thing or too...plays by herself? You don't know how lucky you have it. She must have an imagination and a half! Good luck...and don't hesitate to share any other stories. Really, it's so funny!

Lindsay said...

Odd, but so funny. She sounds like a lot of fun.

rich and steph said...

She sounds like a typical 2 and a half year old. My 4th boys was the same way until he went to kindergarten this year. I love how each child is so individual and unique!

Romney Family said...

She is so cute!! My kids love Wall-e just as much s Zoe. Kids sure do the craziest things and it makes us wonder where they get it from. Owen would rather play by himself as well.

ali said...

it's really reassuring to know that sometimes other people think their kids are just downright strange. I've got a weird one on my hands, too!

Walnut said...

does this come from her mom or dads genetics

Nathan and Annie Miller said...

What a funny kid. I love this age. They are really becoming little people, and I find it so enjoyable watching them grow. I love the 4th picture (the one with the shirt half on and in a diaper) I think she looks so much like James in it!

LaDonna and Ben said...

I think it's safe to say this is entirely due to her father. Hands down, biggest nutbar I know.

Erin said...

I love your new blog look!

Ella said...

She sound so fun! That's hilarious. If only she would more readily share her personality with others!

Marie said...

I WISH my kids would play by themselves. Instead, they follow me from room to room and hang on my legs and call my name over and over. Do you think they want attention? GO PLAY!