Tuesday, May 11, 2010

Preschool Wrap-up

Preschool has been such a blessing for both myself and Zoe. We have done some fun stuff and made great friends. I will be sad when it's over in a few short weeks. Here are a few of the things we've been doing in the name of education:

Pajama Party

Trip to the Fire Station

A trip to the dentist

Jumping Jacks
The Bean Museum


RazakFamily said...

i am SO glad that it's been so good for her! I agree, I don't know what I'm going to do with Navi J when school's out...he enjoys it so much!

But, just start a count-down until next year :)

The Nelsons said...

Who is that brave girl with the snake around her neck?!! :)

Marie said...

Great pictures! How wonderful that you have loved preschool. Summer is just around the corner!